Saturday, March 29, 2008

Banana Rama

Sweet Pea,
Today you had some banana - your first real food (that is if you don't count the tikka masala I unknowingly got on your arm one day only to find you going to town on it a few minutes later!) As with everything baby related it isn't exactly crystal clear when you should start a little one on solids, although the consensus seems to be somewhere between 4 and 6 months. Since you're almost 5 months and you seem ready (watching me intently and moving your mouth around while I eat, trying to grab my fork if you're sitting on my lap) I felt it was the right time. Plus, I've just been really excited about it! So today, spur of the moment I decided to mash up some banana and let you try it. I started with it on my finger and then put some on a plastic baby spoon. You were definitely interested, but I don't think you loved it. You moved the teeny tiny little mashed up banana pieces around your mouth and then most of it ended up back outside your mouth on your face. I think next time I'll mix it with some breast milk and see if you like it a bit better! I'll get a picture next time too so I can post it here.

Love you baby girl,

Friday, March 28, 2008

Almost 5 months

Sweet Pea,
I'd meant to start a blog when you were born...but now it's almost April, you'll be five months old in a week and a half and I'm just now getting this blog going! I can't believe how fast time has flown. I've been so busy taking care of you and learning how to be your mom that I'm a bit behind on everthing else. But now we're getting the hang of this mommy-baby thing and I'm excited to finally be able to work on this blog. Hopefully your family and friends can use this to keep updated on what you're doing and see pictures of you frequently, even if they live far away. I'm also hoping that this will be a keepsake for you, me and Papa so we can remember all of the amazing things you're doing and learning every day.

So, without further ado, here you are at (almost) 5 months, partaking in an activity I enjoy:

Love you baby girl,